Monday, October 13, 2008

Just over a year ago we took a trip with my parents back to Boulder, Colorado. While there we visited our old homestead. I did not know that this would be the last trip we would take with my father. I caught him leading Cressida around the yard and snapped this picture.

I love you Dad. Thanks for your sweet, tender loving and care, and for the blessings you brought into our lives.

Friday, September 07, 2007

On Team Building

Have you ever had a team building exercise? You know, perhaps like the one spoofed in "Dog Bites Man." I don't feel like the team is any stronger after such an exercise. My philosophy is that the best way to build a team is to stop screwing around and get to work.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy screwing around. I'm just saying that a team is stronger when people are working hard. Maybe everyone doesn't want or need a strong team. When did a strong team ever win a, er, Superbowl.

The latest and greatest team building exercise I attended was a GPS hunt. Think geocaching, but with no kids, and no real rewards. Oh, and with gas prices at $2.70, we were keeping Exxon happy.

Did I enjoy not actually working? Yes. Then I felt guilty for not getting anything done that day. Now I'm a week behind because I missed a meeting that only happens weekly. Luckily we're not trying to win the Superbowl...just trying to get stuff done "fast and on-time." Doh.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

On Fame

I don't hang out with famous people. My main claim to fame is knowing Chris Clark who was always a hoot in school, but apparently too busy to hang out :-) (see Summer 2007 edition of BYU Magazine

If I could post a comment on Chris Clark's blog it would say, "I always knew you'd be least after seeing you play the king in 'The King and I.' I wish I had known you were addicted to Shakespeare, because I was too. I still quote lines from sonnets and plays to my wife, but she does not appreciate it like a true Shakespeare aficionado."

Finally, I really like Maroon 5. It's not fair that Chris is famous, and he's related to Maroon 5 too. I've recently discovered that he has filmed and starred in his own movie. My only claim to fame is knowing Chris, and seeing Elder Kikuchi in a parking garage in downtown Salt Lake City.